The application deadline for the second edition of the “GetStarted2gether” technology competition already started on December 1, 2019, and potential applications can still be submitted by e-mail until January 13, 2020.
During the competition event, which will take place on January 30, 2020 at the premises of the CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik, the founders and young entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to present their project in 10-minute pitches to a panel of experts consisting of representatives from industry, financiers and the FTVT research and technology association. The idea is to use facts, figures and personal skills to demonstrate the innovative content and present the start-up potential.
With the competition “GetStarted2gether”, the FTVT would like to make a contribution to the start-up offensive of the state government. The Forschungs- und Technologieverbund Thüringen e.V. is an association of non-profit, business-related research institutions (WINAFO) in Thuringia and the state representative for the German Industrial Research Association Konrad Zuse.
8. January 2020