Project: Creation of a CiS Analytical Competence Center (CAK) in the context of the procurement of a high-resolution 3-dimensional secondary ion mass spectrometry system
Project No.: 2019 WIN 0006.
The trend in nano- and microtechnology towards the production of ever finer and more precise structures, for example in application fields of electronics, optics or medical technology, makes product and process control using nanoanalytical methods essential. The desired component and product properties can only be realized through high-precision control and characterization of nanostructures on surfaces as well as in solids and heterogeneous substance mixtures.
The aim of the infrastructure project is the establishment of a competence center for metrology and analytics, which realizes own research achievements as well as services by means of appropriate analysis methods for the assurance of the product and process quality for other companies and institutes supraregional. With the receipt of the grant in accordance with the directive of the Free State of Thuringia for the promotion of research, technology and innovation (FIT) at the Thüringer Aufbaubank, the new Analytics Competence Center (CAK) forms a further building block for the success of the RIS3 strategy of presenting Thuringia as a leading region in Europe for the development and application of flexible and efficient processes, systems and technologies for individualized products.
The new high-resolution 3-dimensional secondary ion mass spectrometry system essentially expands the spectrum of existing analysis options. Detailed information on chemical or molecular composition of the outermost surface is obtained. Likewise, depth profiles of the specific composition, type of doping or impurities can be investigated. The targeted analysis of the material structure and composition offers especially the small and medium sized industry in the sensor state of Thuringia many new approaches to accelerate the process of a product optimization in research, development and production and to control it at an early stage.
In addition to the classic semiconductor industry, new areas will also benefit from the new analytics competence center at the CiS Research Institute, including the analysis of metallic materials, investigations in battery research, and inorganic and biomedical surface coatings.
What is SIMS and where can it be used?
SIMS is a universal, solid-state analytical method for measuring three-dimensional element distributions of all elements of the periodic table, primarily in the trace and ultratrace range (dopants, OF contaminations, residual layers, layer sequences, etc.). By bombarding solids with primary ions in ultra-high vacuum, secondary ions are produced (so-called sputtering), which are accelerated in an electric field and, after mass separation, counted in a magnetic field by means of highly sensitive detectors (electron multipliers).
In mid-2021, the Thuringian research community and industry will thus have another analytical method at their disposal in addition to the existing possibilities offered by SEM/FIB/EDX, Raman, Sirex.