In modern microelectronics, the miniaturisation of electronic components continues to progress, and the space required on the chip is also being further reduced by arranging them in integrated circuits. At the same time, the complexity of these components and systems is increasing, as are the requirements for their manufacture and integration. Nonetheless, they should be manufactured cost-effectively and still function with long-term stability and precision. In order to achieve this, various simulation strategies and models are used in the development of microsystems technology.
In the new project of the CiS Research Institute, preliminary research is being carried out to improve the design and properties of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) components by means of simulation. To this end, stochastic methods (Monte Carlo simulations) will also be used, for example to eliminate existing differences in the calculations of the conductivities and piezoelectric coefficients of silicon components under uniaxial stress. Particular emphasis is placed on the consideration of the scattering processes of charge carriers and their doping and temperature dependencies. Quantum mechanical modelling is used to describe the physical behaviour of the components.
The research and development work described is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in the research project “Quantum Mechanical Component Simulation” (QuBS).
Funding code: 49VF230004