The CiS Workshop with focus on packaging and interconnect technology will take place on 12th September 2023 in Erfurt under the motto “Current developments in hybrid and wafer-level assembly”. Look forward to exciting contributions as well as ample opportunity for professional exchange and networking.
The workshop will focus on microsystems based on silicon sensors. Numerous representatives from science and industry will explain the potential and limitations of critical production steps or entire process chains with a view to efficiency, miniaturization, reliability and performance of the sensor systems.
Mario von Podewils and Volker Herbig from X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries GmbH will open the workshop with their keynote presentation “Pure play foundry technologies for advanced heterogonous system integration”.
In her contribution “Joining technology with reactive layer systems from chip to wafer”, Dr. Indira Käpplinger, CiS Research Institute, will present results of the current research project “Optimized reactive bonding technology based on novel zirconium systems for use in microsystem technology”.
Andre Grün, also from CiS Research Institute, will explain advantages and areas of application for glass frit bonding in another presentation.
The workshop is designed as a hybrid event.