Modern silicon sensors are smart, tiny, powerful and often have to operate in harsh environmental conditions: Especially in the chemical and automotive industries, processes often take place at high temperatures and in ambient media such as oil and exhaust gas. Typical customer requirements here are extreme resistance to high temperatures as well as chemical and mechanical stress.
Established silicon sensors are only suitable for these applications to a limited extent. In combination with synthetic diamond coatings, however, they considerably expand their application potential: extensive chemical resistance, extreme thermal conductivity, temperature resistance, low absorption in a wide spectral range, dielectric strength and biocompatibility allow the production of a variety of high-performance components. For example, effective cooling mechanisms for electronic components, highly sensitive and stable probe tips as well as electrode coatings for effective waste water treatment can be realised. In addition, this new generation of materials opens up a wide range of opportunities, e.g. in the surface finishing of mechanically highly stressed components, as high-energy lenses for laser optics, medical scalpels or radiation-resistant detector material for high-energy light.
Diamond coatings offer a wealth of opportunities for interdisciplinary cooperation along specific value chains in microsystems technology, photonics, energy technology, medical technology, biochemistry or mechanical engineering.
As a link between basic research and application, CiS is taking on the challenge of raising this potential and generating added value for all partners with collaborations through the use of cost-efficient synthetic diamond coatings on an industrial scale.
As part of the BMBF’s “Unternehmen Region” initiative, CiS is joining forces with all partners from research, application, production and mechanical engineering to implement these innovative possibilities in an application-specific, industrially suitable and cost-effective manner.
We invite you to help shape this creative process and together build a sustainable and cross-industry network for competitive value chains.
Our next dates:
31.08.2016, thematic workshop in Erfurt, Konrad-Zuse-Straße 14
06.10.2016, thematic workshop, location to be announced
23/24.11.2016 at the ComCenter Erfurt, Mainzerhofstraße 12, Innovation Forum “Smart Diamonds”.
For further information please visit