The workshop autumn at the CiS Research Institute found an exciting continuation with the second workshop on “Components of NDIR sensor technology” yesterday. Designed as a hybrid presence and online event, more than 40 experts from research and industry discussed specific infrared sensor development for the analysis of liquid and gaseous substances in different applications. Starting with the design of such sensors and the investigation of various defect mechanisms, possible applications in medical technology, the food industry, in the monitoring of safety systems and energy technology were presented. Properties such as high selectivity, speed and the detection of lowest concentrations are of great importance. Typical applications such as the measurement of the methane content of the air we breathe to determine lactose intolerance, the continuous determination of the oil level in combined heat and power plants or the determination of the CO2 concentration in offices to improve air quality were explained.
The experts agreed that many new application possibilities with high-resolution detection can be opened up by progressive miniaturisation and the resulting possible increase in the number of sensors used.
At the end of October the MEMS workshop on pressure sensor technology as a hybrid event will close this year’s workshop trilogy. CiS e.V. is the organiser of this workshop series, which is held annually.